Refugees Looking to Flee Soviet America May Have a New Option: PUTIN’S RUSSIA
Last Updated on September 4, 2024
Vlad Putin’s Russia wants conservative Westerners fleeing “destructive neoliberal ideology” to consider picking up sticks and relocating to the formerly Soviet Republic.
The latest move by Russia to attract western conservatives is Putin’s response to the precarious situation Western Civilization finds itself.
Broadly designed and constructed by Christian men from Europe, Western Civilization has been under attack for hundreds of years, and is in peril of dying.
Enter Vlad Putin.
On Shared Values Visa in Russia – important information post, kindly share widely.
The New Shared Values Visa that was announced on the 19th of August by president Vladimir Putin allowing citizens from countries that impose destructive neoliberal ideological tenets contrary to…
— (@MoveToRussiaCom) August 24, 2024
President Vladimir Putin signed the Shared Values Visa (SVV) on August 19th. Putin’s program allows foreigners seeking “humanitarian support” — refugees, essentially — temporary residence in Russia.
Applicants to the program are not required to have knowledge of Russian history or to speak Russian, is part of a larger “Move to Russia” effort marketed to Westerners.
The program began taking applications in at the beginning of September.
The polished English language website is clearly designed for English speakers and markets itself to Westerners. It even has its own Twitter/X account.
Putin’s move isn’t happening in a vacuum. It’s happening in the middle of a pronounced campaign by Corporate Press such as Bloomberg to engineer a massive ‘Brain Drain’ out of Russia, while simultaneously engineering “Brain Gain” into Argentina and Brazil.
This latest development in the Russian vs. Post-Modern “West” conflict in its proper context comes on the heels of a mildly satirical Russian video went viral for mocking LGBTQ+ and racial equality.
Ho-ly shit! Russian propaganda about Russians moving to the U.S… It’s too fucking much
— Babel Was An Inside Job (@BabelHodl) October 8, 2022
22,000. That’s the number the Corporate Press decided to run with on this one. The Economist led the way with the bogus number.
The move by Putin comes after a sustained, concerted effort by the Deep State Mockingbird press and the governments they represent to move human capital out of Russia.
Bloomberg celebrates the brain drain out of Russia like so: “Russians Choose Argentina’s 100% Inflation Over Putin’s War”. The article breathlessly toasts the exit of Russians for Argentina. “They’ve been arriving in Argentina in droves since Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine just over a year ago.”
Bloomberg can’t seem to contain its elation at the high numbers of humans travelling abroad for what it claims is a budding humanitarian crisis among dissidents residing within Russia.
“More than 22,000 Russians have entered Argentina since the start of last year [2022], although around 60% of those have already left, according to Argentina’s immigration ministry,” writes Scott Squires for Bloomberg.
Government funded NPR joined the celebration. “According to official figures, some 22,200 Russians entered Argentina over the last year, including 10,777 women — many of whom were in the advanced stages of pregnancy. In January, 4,523 Russians entered Argentina, more than four times the 1,037 that arrived in the same month last year.”
The exuberance reached crescendo when the Zelensky-friendly PONARS Eurasia network, a project of The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, revealed that “irregular border crossings by Russian citizens from Mexico into the United States totaled more than 30,000 by March 2023.
Not to be outdone in the orgiastic cheerleading of crisis creation and human trafficking, of course, is the New York Times.
“Two major hospitals in Buenos Aires say that Russian women delivered 25 percent to 45 percent of the babies born in their maternity wards in December and January,” the Grey Lady reports.
There’s only one problem. So much wishin’ and hopin’ just doesn’t seem to be making it so.
PONARS itself reports that as far as Argentina is concerned, a mere “889 residency permits were issued [to Russians] in 2022 and 2,402 in 2023.”
And Russia is not sending their best and brightest, evidently.
One of those newcomers is what Bloomberg calls a “transgender man” calling itself “Mark Boyarsky.” Bloomberg doesn’t reveal Boyarsky’s true ethnic origin for its audience.
Another refugee supposedly fleeing Putin’s Russia for Javier Milei’s oh-so-welcoming Argentina is someone the New York Times tells us is a “Russian sexologist and blogger with 4.8 million Instagram followers,” calling herself Ekaterina Bibisheva, a sort of post-modern Dr. Ruth for pole dancers who also goes by her stage name of “Vagimagia” in her role as a “certified intimate gymnastics coach for women and men“.
Argentine lawmakers claim the chaos agents and birthright tourists are abusing their open-door migration policy, according to the New York Times.
Argentina’s director of migrations Florencia Carignano believes that most of the pregnant Russians traveling to Argentina don’t plan on living there. Rather, she says, they are looking for a passport that affords them access to over 170 countries without a visa, while also enabling them to obtain a U.S. visa that is valid for up to 10 years.
The George Washington University PONARS Network statistic that over 30,000 Russians crossed the Mexican-American border as of March 2023 seemingly corroborates Carignano’s analysis.
PONARS doesn’t publish statistics concerning how many of those 30,000 new American residents are transgender or hoping to adopt or travel with young children across young borders.
Many of Argentina’s newest aspiring residents because of a 2020 constitutional amendment in Russia that outlawed same-sex marriage and banned transgender people from adopting children.
Naturally pro-trans, human trafficking-friendly Amnesty International abhors any steps made toward preventing mentally ill transgender patients from attempting to adopt or raise kids.
That didn’t stop the Russian Duma from adopting the pro-child policy, however. Russia is even moving to Ban Adoptions from countries that recognize Gender Transition as legally acceptable.
“This decision protects our citizens, our children,” Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the lower house of the Russian Duma posted on Telegram.
The BBC and the Associated Press were not at all happy about the development, characterizing it as a restriction of rights.
Notably, one of BBC’s wishful thinking reports also cheerleads for Russia to “leave fossil fuels behind.”
The famously Soviet U.S. Department of State, under the direction of admitted liar Mike Pompeo, released a report critical of Russia’s openness to religious liberty.
The State Department “designated Russia a Country of Particular Concern for engaging in and tolerating systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom.”
Pompeo issued his dishonest decree in spite of the fact that Russia’s constitution “guarantees freedom of religion.”
Russian statute further allows government officials to “prohibit the activity of a religious association for violating public order or engaging in “extremist activity.” It seems Russia’s Putin has heard them.
Many Americans have pushed for the ability to characterize violent Islam as something other than a typical religion. Various states have banned Sharia Law, according to Wikipedia.
Many western Christians point to the idea that Islamism has in effect taken over most of Islam, in which the former offers a legal framework to establish an entirely homogeneous society where non-Muslims are prohibited, Sharia Law rules, and government is reordered to comport with all tenets of Islam more in line with the old European Caliphate Islam enjoyed during the beginning of the second millennium.
Russian statute leaves room for the state to determine whether a category of religion rises to the level of “undesirable.”
Scientologists haven’t flocked there, unsurprisingly.
But Vladimir Putin has long been moving toward a more cozy relationship with the orthodox church, a long-standing point of contention that globalists like the Fabians at CFR prefer to exacerbate.
In 2012, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman called for an end to attacks on the Russian Orthodox Church after a protest in a cathedral by a women’s punk rock band called “Pussy Riot.”
Many Deep State puppet outlets voiced fear at the prospect of Putin moving toward orthodoxy.
Some even parroted the notion years in advance that Putin’s proximity to orthodoxy would somehow knock their Ukraine project off its rails.
That fear continues into this year, with Apple-divorce- owned The Atlantic commissioning a piece entitled “CLASH OF THE PATRIARCHS,” which goes far to bemoan Russian influence within orthodoxy.
For its part, Business Insider lauded the holy war between CIA clerical stooges in Ukraine and Putin, setting the stage for a CIA church versus Russian Church showdown.
A subheadline in that article blared: “PUTIN COZY WITH THE ORTHODOX CHURCH.”
Of course, Zelensky ended up banning Russian-linked orthodoxy in Ukraine, according to CNN and Newsweek, pointing to the idea that Ukraine — not Russia — is the nation suffering from a lack of religious freedom.
That Zelensky banned his opposition’s political parties and shuttered all media entities not controlled by his regime has only served to bolster Putin in the eyes of the religious, as the AP notes in an article entitled, “Church, state seeing eye to eye in Putin’s Orthodox Russia.”
The globalists at CFR’s flagship rag Foreign Policy has long feared Putin’s move toward the church.
In an article at Foreign Policy called “Putin Wants God (or at Least the Church) on His Side,” attempted to hang the fake Russia hoax albatross — but this time aimed at Constantinople — around Putin’s neck.
CFR’s sudden and heightened interested in orthodox Christianity went largely unnoticed, and barely reported.
LifeSite News, the popular pro-life Canadian news website reported the news of Russia’s new policy of accepting temporary refugees fleeing the ruins of Western Civilization in Europe and elsewhere:
The Russian News Agency issued a press release noting that the government will soon release a list of countries that are “imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens.”
Three-month visas are expected to be approved for persons from said countries in the coming days.
Andrew Henderson, host of YouTube channel Nomad Capitalist, has provided an analysis of the SVV, including how it works, and the economic and political implications persons interested in pursuing the visa should be aware of.
The SVV is seemingly part of a larger, anti-woke push by the Russian government under Putin, who has not been shy about expressing disdain for what he has called the “satanic” West.
At various times over the past five years, Putin has decried “Western globalist elites” for embracing LGBT ideology, including allowing homosexuals to adopt children and permitting “sex-change” operations, which are illegal in Russia.
LGBT propaganda is currently outlawed in Russia, although abortion is legal up until the 12th week of pregnancy.
At the World Youth Festival in Russia in March, Putin remarked that everyone is equal because they are born to a “mother and father … it is always a male and a female parent.”
At the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi in 2021, he also denounced those who promote “cancel culture,” equating them to the Bolsheviks who instigated the 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia.
The SVV reiterates these sentiments while noting that family life, spirituality, and morality are values the program looks for in applicants.
In 2023, The Moscow Times reported that around 200 families from the U.S. and Canada were allegedly interested in moving to a “migrant village” that was scheduled to be erected in the country in 2024, though it is unclear if their relocation ever occurred. At the same time, a Traditional Catholic family with six children that previously lived in Kansas moved to Russia in 2023. Their story was featured on a Russian TV network.
If YALTA is good enough for FDR to visit, it’s good enough for conservative Westerners looking to escape Soviet Style Post-Modern Wasteland characterized by highways slammed full of Big Box Strip Mall Labor Colonies, right?
Here’s a look at how the Russians vacation at Yalta these days:
Then there’s Lake Bikal.
Sochi, on the Black Sea.