The Curse of Cottonseed Joan McGovern Tendler warns against gossypol and other toxic cottonseed oil
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President’s Message
Health officials are now “advancing” preplanned “vaccines” for the bird flu. In order to “prepare” for the next plandemic, they aim to create almost five million H5N1 avian influenza shots along with a propaganda campaign to convince the populace to get injected, once again, against a “highly pathogenic” illness.
Why? Because some cows in the industrial dairy system seemed to have had the “flu” and produced less milk than normal, while three dairy workers came down with conjunctivitis (from which they soon recovered). Oh yes, and some cats on a dairy farm were found dead. Press releases and news reports are working these mundane events into the next health crisis, one that will require mass vaccinations, face masks and, above all, strict avoidance of raw milk and raw milk cheese. So great is their concern for public safety that their warnings stress the dangers of giving raw milk to our dogs and cats.
And how do these officials “know” that the cause of these events is a bird flu virus? Because they have used a bogus test called the PCR; when set at thirty cycles (doubling the amount of genetic material thirty times), the likely result is negative; when set at forty or above, the likely result will be positive. How easy to blame the illnesses on a virus when you can get the results you want!
What else could possibly cause these illnesses? Could it be something in the feed, such as cottonseed meal—see page 19 for Joan Tendler’s eye-opening article; or a contaminent in the water; or recently installed 5G or Wi-Fi in the dairy barn (for reading the chips in their collars); or even dirty electricity (see letter, page 11). Or, maybe the cows were just too old—the average lifespan of a dairy cow is only forty-two months.
As for the workers, conjunctivitis is a sign of vitamin A deficiency, and exposure to toxic chemicals rapidly depletes vitamin A. What are they spraying in these dairies? Is the air full of toxins like hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methane, esters, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the breakdown of fecal material?
As for the cats, many things could have killed them. I’m voting for toxic flea bites. Runner up is eating rats killed by rat poison.
It will be interesting to see how far they get this time. How many people will line up for their bird flu vaccine, revert to mask wearing and social distancing? More importantly, what measures will health officials impose and how will the public react? Yes, it’s going to be an interesting year, but one thing is certain: none of this has hurt raw milk sales, which by one estimate are up 65 percent since the inception of the Great Bird Flu Scare!
The post Journal, Summer 2024, Curse of Cottonseed appeared first on The Weston A. Price Foundation.